Technical Support
How To Obtain Technical Support
AssureBuy maintains a staff of qualified support personnel to assist when
you encounter problems while using the payment processing gateway.
These support personnel will be able to assist with problems from both the
Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy payment processing module
and from the AssureBuy payment gateway.
AssureBuy Support can be contacted as follows;
By E-mail
By Phone
(8:30am - 5:00pm CST)
AssureBuy Version Information
When calling AssureBuy Support, the support staff will need to know the
version of the AssureBuy Payment Processing application currently installed
on the user’s workstation. The version information can be found by selecting
the About button on the AssureBuy Processing Setup window. Depending
on the user’s level of security, this window may or may not be available.
Please contact your System Administrator if the AssureBuy Processing
Setup is not an available option. For those users that do have access, the
AssureBuy Payment Processing Setup window can be accessed as follows:
Setup >> Company >> Extras >> AssureBuy Processing Setup >> About
Once the AssureBuy Processing Setup window has opened, an About button
will appear in the lower left corner of the window. Select the About button
and an About AssureBuy window will display with the version information
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