The “Transaction Amount Warning” option can also affect the fulfillment
process without the “Authorization Required Before Order Fulfillment” option
being enabled. The system would, after verifying that credit card
transactions are present on the document, verify whether the document has
any remaining balance “on account” and then display the same warning
message, allowing the fulfillment process to continue or be canceled.
Order Fulfillment
When selecting the order fulfillment option from the Sales Transactions
Palette, the AssureBuy application will check the setting of the “Authorization
Required Before Order Fulfillment” option on the AssureBuy Processing
Setup window.
Figure 33: Sales Order Fulfillment Window
The “Authorization Required Before Order Fulfillment” option impacts both
the fulfillment of a single line item or when selecting the “Fulfill All” button on
the top of the Sales Order Fulfillment window. In both cases, the AssureBuy
application will verify whether an approved sale, manual sale or authorization
exists on the document. If an approved transaction is not found, then the
system will display a warning message stating, “An approved credit card
authorization is required before fulfillment can be allowed.” After the OK
button is selected on the warning window, the system will return to the
fulfillment window and reset the fulfillment quantity to zero.
Process Holds Warning
Users should never manually remove any of the four AssureBuy (ABI)
process holds that have been applied to a transaction. If the user removes
the process hold, a sales document could be posted to the general ledger
with a credit card transaction that has a status other than approved. Credit
card transactions with a status other than approved are not completed
payments. These items could range from the transaction being pending,
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 80