Levels of Service
The AssureBuy fraud prevention system is offered in three levels of service.
The basic level of service includes five common tests, checking for things
such as duplicate transactions or restricted email addresses. The advanced
level of service offers more sophisticated testing that checks for matching
values across all the transaction data, allows for more restrictions, and does
some validating of the transaction data. The custom level of service offers
the option of adding third party services, such as more robust address
verification services or credit checks. These custom fraud filters can add an
additional layer of protection by validating transaction information with
outside data sources. Since the custom level consists of third party services,
each watch code is purchased on an individual basis and is priced
individually. For more information and pricing, please contact AssureBuy
Sales at
sales@assurebuy.com. Each of the watch codes and their
corresponding level of service are displayed below.
Description Basic Advanced Custom
CD Restricted Credit Card X X X
EM Restricted Email Address X X X
IP Restricted IP Address X X X
OV Order Value Too High X X X
RD Restricted Email Domain X X X
XP Too Many Orders From Same IP Address X X X
AC Address/City Contain Matching Values X X
AR Invalid Phone Number Area Code X X
CH Cardholder Does Not Match Billing Name X X
CI Restricted City X X
CO Restricted Company X X
CT Restricted Country X X
CZ City/Zip Contain Matching Values X X
FL First Name/Last Name Contain Matching
FM Free Email Account Used X X
IC Too Many Items Ordered X X
ID Invalid Email Domain X X
IQ Too High Quantity on a Single Item X X
NA Last Name/Address Contain Matching Values X X
NC No Capital Letters in Name X X
NM Restricted Name X X
PD High Risk Product X X
RB Restricted Buyer X X
SM High Risk Shipping Method X X
SZ Invalid State/Zip Code Combination X X
TM Restricted Time of Day X X
TX Invalid Phone Number Format X X
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 18