Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Option
CMS R3V8 High Availability
Connectivity, Upgrade and Administration
Setting Up the NTS 3-60
You will need the following for the 64-port unit:
• Console Cable
• Adapter - part number 06-988-260-20.
The terminal options should be set to 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity or
space parity, and a stop bit.
2. Turn on the NTS, and within 15 seconds push the Test Switch on the
front of the NTS (see the following figure).
3. The NTS goes through its hardware diagnostics, and the following
prompt should appear:
4. Enter the erase command.
There are two types of information that can be erased:
• EEPROM (configuration information)
• FLASH (self-boot image).
If only one type of information is present, the program begins to
erase it. If there are two types of information, the program
prompts you to select the information you want to erase. Erase
both the EEPROM and the FLASH information.