Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Option
CMS R3V8 High Availability
Connectivity, Upgrade and Administration
Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-29
3. Enter 4 to select the setup option.
If system setup has already been done, the program responds:
4. Enter y to continue with the setup, or enter n to exit setup. If you
enter y, the program responds:
5. Enter the number for the language used on this system. If setup has
been done previously, the customer CMS data is now initialized.
When finished, the program responds:
Warning!!! Setup has already been performed.
Running this command will remove all CMS data in the database.
Do you wish to proceed and re-configure CMS? (y/n): (default: n)
Select the language for this server:
All languages are ISO Latin except Japanese. Selection of the
server language assumes that existing customer data is
compatible. (Upgrade from any ISO Latin language to any ISO
Latin language or from Japanese to Japanese is supported).
1) English
2) Dutch
3) French
4) German
5) Italian
6) Portuguese
7) Spanish
8) Japanese
Enter choice (1-8): (default: 1)
Enter a name for this UNIX system (up to 256 characters):