Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Option
CMS R3V8 High Availability
Connectivity, Upgrade and Administration
Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-21
Setting Up Data
Overview 3
TSC personnel modify specific data storage parameters on the CMS
computer so that the CMS application can operate properly. The
storage.def file contains these data storage parameters, which are
installed with a set of standard default values.
Review the default data storage values for each authorized ACD. The
default values are found on the line immediately below each storage
parameter, and many of them can be can be edited to meet the needs of
individual customers. Use the values determined by the Account
Executive, System Consultant, and Design Center based on the
customer configuration. For a new HA system being added to an existing
CMS installation, these values should be identical to the values installed
on the original server at the customer site.
Procedure 3
1. To change to the CMS installation directory, enter:
cd /cms/install/cms_install
2. Enter:
vi storage.def
If you delete or damage the
storage.def file, you can find a
copy of this file (storage.skl) in the same directory.
3. The default storage parameters are listed (immediately below each
of the defined storage paremeters) in the order in which they appear
in the storage.def file.
• # Intrahour interval (15, 30, 60 minutes):
• # Week start day (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday):
• # Week end day (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday):