Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Option
CMS R3V8 High Availability
Connectivity, Upgrade and Administration
Installing Feature Packages 3-52
4. Access the CMS Administration menu by entering:
The program responds:
5. Select the pkg_install option. The program responds:
The system displays only feature packages that are authorized
but not yet installed.
6. Enter the number that corresponds to the External Call History
package (in this example, 2). The program responds:
Lucent Technologies CentreVu(R) Call Management System Administration Menu
Select a command from the list below.
1) acd_create Define a new ACD
2) acd_remove Remove all administration and data for an ACD
3) backup Filesystem backup
4) pkg_install Install a feature package
5) pkg_remove Remove a feature package
6) run_pkg Turn a feature package on or off
7) run_cms Turn CentreVu CMS on or off
8) port_admin Administer Modems, Terminals, and Printers
Enter choice (1-8) or q to quit:
The CMS Features that can be installed are
1) forecasting
2) external call history
Enter choice (1-2) or q to quit:
Enter name of computer to which to send call records
(up to 256 characters):