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7) Install additional switch/keypad Secondaries. If you have a 4-way or greater switching circuit, see
Special Instructions For Large Multi-Way Circuits at the end of this section.
8) Identify the wires for the KeypadLinc Primary. The KeypadLinc Primary is the KeypadLinc that will
actually control the load. In the junction box where you will install the KeypadLinc Primary, find the wire that
carries power from the switch to the lights. This wire, called the LOAD wire, is commonly red.
In the same junction box, there will also be the two TRAVELER wires from the first box, often both in the
same cable sheath. Identify the TRAVELER wire (black) that you connected the LINE wire to in the first
junction box.
If you’re not sure which is the TRAVELER wire connected to the LINE wire, you can use the same method
described in step 1 to find it. Turn on the power (taking the same precautions) and use a voltmeter to find
the wire with 120 Volts AC on it.
Make sure the power is turned off again before proceeding.
9) Connect the KeypadLinc Primary’s LINE wire. Use a wire nut to
connect the TRAVELER wire (usually black) that you identified as
connected to the LINE wire to the KeypadLinc Primary’s black LINE wire.
10) Cap the other TRAVELER wire. The other TRAVELER wire (usually
red) will not be used, so put a wire nut on the end of it.
11) Connect the KeypadLinc Primary’s LOAD wire. Use a wire nut to
connect the LOAD wire (usually red) to the KeypadLinc Primary’s red
LOAD wire.
12) Connect the KeypadLinc Primary’s NEUTRAL and GROUND wires. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with the
KeypadLinc Secondary.
13) Finish installation. Return to Installing KeypadLinc and continue on from step 5.
14) Refer to Control Groups for instructions on scene setup
Special Instructions For Large Multi-Way Circuits
If your lighting circuit includes more than two switches controlling a single set of lights, those extra
switches will have four wires connected to them. Two of the wires are TRAVELERS from the preceding
switch and the other two are TRAVELERS to the next switch in the chain. You will be converting the black
TRAVELER wires to the LINE wires and replacing the old 4-wire switches with KeypadLinc Secondaries.