EPSON Imaging Technology Center Page: 29
Revision: 1 (Date: 6/20/00)
6.7 Set Page Format “ESC (c nL nH t1 t2 t3 t4 b1 b2 b3 b4”
ASCII ESC ( c nL nH t1…… t4 b1…... b4
Hex 1B 28 63 nL nH t1…… t4 b1…... b4
Decimal 27 40 99 nL nH t1…… t4 b1…... b4
Range of Definition:
nL=08H, nH=00H
0≤ t1, t2, t3, t4, b1, b2, b3, b4 ≤ 255
(t4x 256x256x256 + t3x 256x256 + t2x256 + t1) < (b4x 246x256x256 + b3 x 256x256 +
b2x256 + b1) < = 1FFFFFFFH/1440 inch
- Taking as its origin, on the Y-axis sets the position management coordinate
system, a position spaced in the positive direction by (t4x256x256x256 +
t3x256x256 + t2x256 + t1) x (page management units) inches from the origin
on the Y-axis of the page management coordinate system. Further, the bottom
margin is set at a position spaced in the positive direction by (b4x256x256 256
+ b3 x 256x256 + b2 x256 +b1) x (page management units) inches from the
origin on the Y-axis of the position management coordinate system.
- The printing position in the Y direction is shifted to the origin of the position
management coordinate system. At this time, the origin on the X axis is not
- If the distance from the origin on the Y axis of the position management
coordinate system to the bottom margin position is greater than the page
length, then this distance from the origin on the Y axis to the bottom margin
position is set as new page length.
- If the paper that is inserted is cut sheet paper, then the distance from the top
margin position to the bottom margin position is set as the page length.
- This command is effective only in the graphics mode.
- If this command was received right after paper is fed, it is shifted to the top
margin position setting.
Initial State:
- The top margin position is set to 0 inches.
- The bottom margin position is set to the page length.
- The page length of the Roll Paper is set to 11 inches.
- The page length of the Cut Sheet Paper is set to 44 inches.
Related Commands: