
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
WWhhaatt iiss IInncclluuddeedd
A control module
Two 4-button remotes
A impact sensor on-board the control module
A high-powered siren
A fault-proof starter interrupt relay on-board the control module
An LED system status indicator
A push-button Valet
IImmppoorrttaanntt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Congratulations on the purchase of your state-of-the-art vehicle
security system. This system has been designed to provide years of
trouble-free operation. By carefully reading this guide prior to
using your system, you will maximize the use of this product and
its features.
Your vehicle security system has no specific maintenance require-
ments. The remote is powered by a lightweight 3-volt lithium
battery that will last approximately one year under normal use.
When the battery begins to weaken, the LED on the remote will dim
and you will notice reduced operating range when using the
SSyysstteemm MMaaiinntteennaannccee