
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
case the door is inadvertently opened while the system is
Turning on the ignition key triggers the same two-stage pro-
gressive response as opening a door.
The starter interrupt prevents the vehicle’s starter from cranking.
Press to disarm the security system. If the power locks are con-
trolled by the system, the doors will also unlock. Disarming is
confirmed when the parking lights flash twice and the siren chirps
twice. If the siren chirps more than two times and the LED contin-
ues to flash after pressing the button, the system was
triggered in your absence. Refer to the disarming diagnostics
section to determine the cause.
If your remote is lost or damaged, you can manually disarm the
security system. To disarm the system without a remote, you must
have the vehicle's ignition key and know where the Valet switch is
located. Be sure to check with your installer at the time of instal-
lation for the location of the Valet switch.
To disarm the security system, turn
the ignition key on and press the
Valet switch within 15 seconds. The
system should now disarm. If the
system does not disarm, you may
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