
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
GGlloossssaarryy ooff TTeerrmmss
Control Module: The "brain" of your security system. Usually hid-
den underneath the dash area of the vehicle. It houses the micro-
processor that monitors your vehicle and controls all of the secu-
rity system’s functions.
FFaauulltt--PPrrooooff SSttaarrtteerr IInntteerrrruupptt::
Located on-board the control mod-
ule, this is an automatic switch controlled by the security system
that prevents the vehicle's starter from cranking whenever the
security system is armed. The vehicle is never prevented from
cranking when the security system is disarmed, in Valet Mode, or
if the starter interrupt fails.
Any physical connection to the security system. An input
can be provided through a sensor, pinswitch or by existing systems
in the vehicle, such as ignition or courtesy lights.
A red light mounted inside the vehicle, at a location deter-
mined by the installer. The LED indicates the status of your sys-
tem and also reports triggers and faults in the system or sensors.
SShhoocckk SSeennssoorr::
A dual-stage shock sensor, located on-board the
control module, that detects impacts to the vehicle.
A noise generating device, usually installed in the engine
compartment of the vehicle. The siren generates the chirps and
tones heard when the system is triggered.