
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
that the status LED is flashing in a grouped pattern, this signals
Bypass Notification. Bypass Notification is described in detail in
the Diagnostics section of this manual.
Your security system can also be programmed for Passive Arming.
With Passive Arming, the system automatically arms itself 30 sec-
onds after the ignition has been turned off and the last protected
entry has been closed. During the 30-second Passive Arming count-
down, the status LED will flash twice as fast as it does when the sys-
tem is armed. If the system is programmed for Passive Arming, care
must be taken to prevent the keys from being locked in the vehicle.
If any protected entry point, such as a door or switch-protected
trunk or hood, is open, Passive Arming will not engage. If a protected
entry is opened during passive arming, the countdown starts over.
Arming the security system protects your vehicle in the following ways:
Light impacts trigger a
wwaarrnn aawwaayy
response, causing the siren
to chirp and the parking lights to flash for a few seconds.
Heavy impacts trip a
ttrriiggggeerr sseeqquueennccee
, which consists of the
siren sounding continuously and the parking lights flashing
for 30 seconds.
If a door is opened, the siren immediately starts chirping and
the parking lights start flashing to provide an instant
response. Three seconds later, the siren output changes to a
continuous blast. This two-stage
pprrooggrreessssiivvee rreessppoonnssee
you time to disarm the security system with your remote, in
AArrmmiinngg wwiitthhoouutt rreemmoottee