VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Errors and troubleshooting
This appendix describes common errors that may occur while configuring and using the system, and how
to correct them. It also describes LED indicators on the system and its expansion modules.
Files for troubleshooting
The VPN 3000 Concentrator creates several files that you can examine, and that can assist Cisco support
engineers, when troubleshooting errors and problems:
• Event log.
SAVELOG.TXT = Event log that is automatically saved when the system crashes and when it is
CRSHDUMP.TXT = Internal system data file that is written when the system crashes.
CONFIG, CONFIG.BAK = Normal configuration file used to boot the system, and backup configuration
Event logs
The VPN Concentrator records system events in the event log, which is stored in nonvolatile memory
(NVRAM). To troubleshoot operational problems, we recommend that you start by examining the event
log. See
Configuration | System | Events and Monitor | Event Log.
The VPN Concentrator automatically saves the event log to a file in flash memory if it crashes, and when
it is rebooted. This log file is named
SAVELOG.TXT, and it overwrites any existing file with that name.
SAVELOG.TXT file is useful for debugging. See Configuration | System | Events and Administration | File
Management | Files
Crash dump file
If the VPN Concentrator crashes during operation, it saves internal system data in nonvolatile memory
(NVRAM), and then automatically writes this data to a
CRSHDUMP.TXT file in flash memory when it is
rebooted. This file contains the crash date and time, software version, tasks, stack, registers, memory,
buffers, timers, etc., which are helpful to Cisco support engineers. In case of a crash, we ask that you
send this file when you contact Cisco for assistance. See
Administration | File Management | Files for
information on managing files in flash memory.