Monitor | Statistics | Telnet
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
To update the screen and its data, click Refresh. The date and time indicate when the screen was last
Use the scroll controls (if present) to view the entire table.
Event Class
Event class denotes the source of the event and refers to a specific hardware or software subsystem
within the VPN Concentrator. Table 10-1 under
Configuration | System | Events describes the event classes.
Event Number
Event number is an Cisco-assigned reference number that denotes a specific event within the event class.
For example,
CONFIG event number 2 is “Reading configuration file.” This reference number
assists Cisco support personnel if they need to examine event statistics.
Count of Events
The number of times that specific event has occurred on the VPN Concentrator since it was last booted
or reset.
Monitor | Statistics | Telnet
This screen shows statistics for Telnet activity on the VPN Concentrator since it was last booted or reset,
and for current Telnet sessions.
To configure the VPN Concentrator’s Telnet server, see the
Configuration | System | Management Protocols
| Telnet
Figure 15-30: Monitor | Statistics | Telnet screen
To update the screen and its data, click Refresh. The date and time indicate when the screen was last