Configuration | User Management | Users | Add or Modify
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Value / Inherit?
On this tabbed section:
• The
Inherit? check box refers to group parameters: Does this specific user inherit the given setting from
the group?
Add screen = inherit base-group parameter setting.
– Modify screen = inherit assigned-group parameter setting, which can be the base group or a
configured group.
To inherit the group setting, check the box (default). To override the group setting, clear the box. If
you clear the check box, you must enter or change any corresponding
Value field; do not leave the field
• The
Value column thus shows either group parameter settings that also apply to this user (Inherit?
checked), or unique parameter settings configured for this user (
Inherit? cleared). You cannot
configure a grayed-out parameter.
Note: The setting of the
Inherit? check box takes priority over an entry in a Value field. Examine this box before
continuing and be sure its setting reflects your intent.
Access Hours
Click the drop-down menu button and select the named hours when this user can access the VPN
Concentrator. Configure access hours on the
Configuration | Policy Management | Access Hours screen.
Default entries are:
-No Restrictions- = No named access hours applied, which means that there are no restrictions on
access hours.
Never = No access at any time.
Business Hours = Access 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Additional named access hours that you have configured also appear on the list.
Simultaneous Logins
Enter the number of simultaneous logins permitted for this user. The minimum is 0, which disables login
and prevents user access. While there is no maximum limit, allowing several could compromise security
and affect performance.
Idle Timeout
Enter this user’s idle timeout period in minutes. If there is no communication activity on the user’s
connection in this period, the system terminates the connection. The minimum is
1, and the maximum
2147483647 minutes (over 4000 years). To disable timeout and allow an unlimited idle period, enter