Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management | Network Lists | Add, Modify, or Copy
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
action to take before you can delete the list. Otherwise, there is no confirmation or undo. The Manager
deletes the list, refreshes the screen, and shows the remaining network lists.
Reminder: The Manager immediately includes your changes in the active configuration. To save the active
configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the
Save Needed icon at the top of the Manager
Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management |
Network Lists | Add, Modify, or Copy
These screens let you:
Add: Configure and add a new network list.
Modify: Modify a previously configured network list.
Copy: Copy a configured network list, modify its parameters, save it with a new name, and add it to
the configured network lists.
On the
Add and Modify screens, the Manager can automatically generate a network list containing the
private networks reachable from the Ethernet 1 (Private) interface. It generates this list by reading the
routing table, and
Inbound RIP must be enabled on that interface.
Figure 13-6: Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management | Network Lists | Add,
Modify, or Copy screens