Quality of Service
Configuring QoS - General
425 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
Configuring Egress Shaping per Queue
In addition to limiting transmission rate per port, which is done in the Bandwidth
page, the device can limit the transmission rate of selected egressing frames on a
per-queue per-port basis. Egress rate limiting is performed by shaping the output
The device limits all frames except for management frames. Any frames that are
not limited are ignored in the rate calculations, meaning that their size is not
included in the limit total.
Per-queue Egress rate shaping can be disabled.
To d e f i n e e g r e s s s h a p i n g p e r q ue u e :
STEP 1 Click Quality of Service > General > Egress Shaping per Queue.
The Egress Shaping Per Queue page displays the rate limit and burst size for each
STEP 2 Select an interface type (Port or LAG), and click Go.
STEP 3 Select a Port/LAG, and click Edit.
This page enables shaping the egress for up to eight queues on each interface.
STEP 4 Select the Interface.
STEP 5 For each queue that is required, enter the following fields:
• Enable Shaping—Select to enable egress shaping on this queue
• Committed Information Rate (CIR)—Enter the maximum rate (CIR) in Kbits
per second (Kbps). CIR is the average maximum amount of data that can be
• Committed Burst Size (CBS)—Enter the maximum burst size (CBS) in bytes.
CBS is the maximum burst of data allowed to be sent even if a burst exceeds
STEP 6 Click Apply. The bandwidth settings are written to the Running Configuration file.
Configuring VLAN Ingress Rate Limit
NOTE The VLAN Rate Limit feature is not available when the device is in Layer 3 mode.