Administration: Discovery
Configuring CDP
Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide 118
Editing CDP Interface Settings
The Interface Settings page enables administrators to enable/disable CDP per
port. Notifications can also be triggered when there are conflicts with CDP
neighbors. The conflict can be Voice VLAN data, Native VLAN, or Duplex.
By setting these properties it is possible to select the types of information to be
provided to devices that support the LLDP protocol.
The LLDP-MED TLVs to be advertised can be selected in the LLDP MED Interface
Settings page.
To define the CDP interface settings:
STEP 1 Click Administration > Discovery - CDP > Interface Settings.
This page contains the following CDP information for each interface.
• CDP Status—CDP publishing option for the port.
• Reporting Conflicts with CDP Neighbors—Displays the status of the
reporting options that are enabled/disabled in the Edit page (Voice VLAN/
Native VLAN/Duplex).
• No. of Neighbors—Number of neighbors detected.
The bottom of the page has four buttons:
• Copy Settings—Select to copy a configuration from one port to another.
• Edit—Fields explained in Step 2 below.
• CDP Local Information Details—Takes you to the Administration > Discovery
- CDP > CDP Local Information page.
• CDP Neighbor Information Details—Takes you to the Administration >
Discovery - CDP > CDP Neighbor Information page.
STEP 2 Select a port and click Edit.
This page provides the following fields:
• Interface—Select the interface to be defined.
• CDP Status—Select to enable/disable the CDP publishing option for the
NOTE The next three fields are operational when the device has been set up
to send traps to the management station.