Port Management
Setting Port Configuration
125 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
Setting Port Configuration
The Port Settings page displays the global and per port setting of all the ports.
This page enables you to select and configure the desired ports from the Edit Port
Settings page.
To configure port settings:
STEP 1 Click Port Management > Port Settings.
STEP 2 Select Jumbo Frames to support packets of up to 10 Kb in size. If Jumbo Frames
is not enabled (default), the system supports packet size up to 2,000 bytes. For
jumbo frames to take effect, the device must be rebooted after the feature is
STEP 3 Click Apply to update the global setting.
Jumbo frames configuration changes take effect only after the Running
Configuration is explicitly saved to the Startup Configuration File using the Copy/
Save Configuration page, and the device is rebooted.
STEP 4 To update the port settings, select the desired port, and click Edit.
STEP 5 Modify the following parameters:
• Interface—Select the port number.
• Port Type—Displays the port type and speed. The possible options are:
- Copper Ports—Regular, not Combo, support the following values: 10M,
100M, and 1000M (type: Copper).
- Combo Ports Copper—Combo port connected with copper CAT5
cable, supports the following values: 10M, 100M, and 1000M (type:
- Combo Fiber—SFP Fiber Gigabit Interface Converter Port with the
following values: 100M and 1000M (type: ComboF).
- 10G-Fiber Optics—Ports with speed of either 1G or 10G.
NOTE SFP Fiber takes precedence in Combo ports when both ports are
being used.
• Port Description—Enter the port user-defined name or comment.
• Administrative Status—Select whether the port must be Up or Down when
the device is rebooted.