Spanning Tree
Configuring Rapid Spanning Tree Settings
Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide 224
To enter RSTP settings:
STEP 1 Click Spanning Tree > STP Status and Global Settings. Enable RSTP.
STEP 2 Click Spanning Tree > RSTP Interface Settings. The RSTP Interface Settings
page appears:
STEP 3 Select a port.
NOTE Activate Protocol Migration is only available after selecting the port
that is connected to the bridge partner being tested.
STEP 4 If a link partner is discovered by using STP, click Activate Protocol Migration to
run a Protocol Migration test. This discovers whether the link partner using STP
still exists, and if so whether it has migrated to RSTP or MSTP. If it still exists as an
STP link, the device continues to communicate with it by using STP. Otherwise, if it
has been migrated to RSTP or MSTP, the device communicates with it using RSTP
or MSTP, respectively.
STEP 5 Select an interface, and click Edit.
STEP 6 Enter the parameters
• Interface—Set the interface, and specify the port or LAG where RSTP is to
be configured.
• Point to Point Administrative Status—Define the point-to-point link status.
Ports defined as Full Duplex are considered Point-to-Point port links.
—This port is an RSTP edge port when this feature is enabled, and
is brought to Forwarding mode quickly (usually within 2 seconds).
—The port is not considered point-to-point for RSTP purposes,
which means that STP works on it at regular speed, as opposed to high
—Automatically determines the device status by using RSTP
• Point to Point Operational Status—Displays the Point-to-Point operational
status if the Point to Point Administrative Status is set to Auto.
• Role—Displays the role of the port that was assigned by STP to provide STP
paths. The possible roles are:
—Lowest cost path to forward packets to the Root Bridge.