Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix D Sample Installation Scripts
Sample Configured XECfgParm.dat Files for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8(1)
engine.SysMaxOverlap = 28
engine.SysGSMTimerInterval = 10000 # GSM to be sent (milliseconds)
engine.LCMMdlFile = ../lib/lcm # LSI call model
engine.CCMdlFile = ../lib/cc # call context
engine.mdoDir = ../lib/ # where .mdo files live
engine.VersionTimeoutValue = 10000 # Interval for version messages (msec)
engine.MDLANumberScreening = 0 # use calling party number for a number screening
engine.SysMdlMemoryReduction = 1
engine.CircuitReservation = false# Do/Don't use circuit reservation feature
engine.CallBackDBCleanUpTimer = 3600000 # Call Back DB clean up timer in mini seconds
(min:600000 to max:10800000 )
engine.SendHardwareBlock = false # false=PGW will only send maintenance blocks
*.MaxNumTGAdvances = 1# Limit on num Trunk Group Advance actions
*.RedirectingATree = 0
*.ClearingLocation = 0 # 0 = Normal mapping behaviour, LCM will not override
the Clearing Location field in Call Context
*.DefaultLocation = 0 # 0 = Normal protocol defined default value, LCM will
not override the Default Location field in Call Context
*.detailedCallEventCapture = 1
*.SelectTermCustGrpId = 0 # 1= Select Terminating SigPath CustGrpId if Originating
SigPath CustGrpId is 0000.
# 0= Always select Originating SigPath CustGrpId
*.GlareReattemptCauseValue = 44 # used for re-attempt by GW in Nailed configurations.
*.DerivedInterworkingFCIBCIEnable = 0 # 1 = Set FCI/BCI values when interworking with
*.sipModeSelectionControl = 2 # = 2 # 1 - B2BUA mode, allow later selection of
proxy mode via the dialplan, 2 - Fixed Proxy mode, always work in proxy mode.
*.sipRoutingMode = 0 # 0 - strict-router, 1 - loose-router.
#The following two lines are call based memory allocator settings.
#set these to 0 to disable call-based memory allocator
#This setting is memory efficient, but performance suffers.
#set these to 110000 for maximum performance. Memory usage increases.
engine.CALL_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE = 65536
# engine.SysTraceLevel = 3
*.LongCallTime = 21600000 # used to configure OnGoingCallTime in ms (6hrs
engine.CDRencodingFormat = AnsiCDB
engine.CDRtimeStamp = M
engine.CDRmessageTypes = "1010,1020,1030,1040,1050,1060,1070"
engine.VersionTimeoutValue = 10000
engine.StartUpAuditEnabled = false # audit invoked at engine startup?
engine.FaultRecoveryAuditTimer = 15000 # milliseconds
engine.CustSpecificINAPHandling = null
engine.DisableMultipleCDRs = 1 # 0=enable, 1=disable
engine.ChargingTariffType = 0 # 0=tariff-rate/scale-factor, 1=meter pulse
engine.ChargingMode = 1 # 1=AddOnCharge, 2=ReplaceCharge, 3=FreeOfCharge
engine.ShortDurationCallPeriod = 0 # 0=feature disabled
engine.ActionOnChargeTableAccessFailure = 0 # 0=continue call, 1=release call
engine.CallLimitingControl = 0 # 0 = Call limiting off, 1 = Call limiting on
#The following parameter is to set the call number, these calls will write their buffer
into trace file. default value: 200
engine.CallNumberToWriteIntoTracefile = 200
# CDR dumper (cdrDmpr)