Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A XECfgParm.dat File Parameters
Understanding the XECfgParm.dat File Format
engine.SysMdlMemoryReduction Controls use of MDL memory reductions.
Prior to Release 9.4(1):values:
• 0—MDL memory reductions not used (maximum
• 1—MDL memory reduction improvements used
Default: 0
Note For performance-critical configurations, use the
default value. For memory-critical configurations,
set this value to 1.
Note Setting this parameter to 1 enables the memory
reduction algorithm which increases the number of
concurrent (sustained) calls possible with the
platform at the expense of call throughput
Note During the startup of the
Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software, this
parameter will be set automatically to tune the
system for optimal performance.
Note Release 9.4(1) and later: This parameter is set
automatically based on the type of Cisco MGC
selected in engine.SysVirtualSwitch. Any attempt to
modify this value is overwritten.
engine.SysMinOverlap Minimum number of digits required before a call is
considered valid; used in overlap signaling.
Default: 0
Note Do not change this value.
engine.SysPropagateChanAvail In a classic signaling controller configuration, propagates
service messages between channels in the event of a channel
• true—Messages propagated
• false—Messages not propagated (default)
Note Do not change this value.
engine.SysSGCPRetryCount Maximum number of simple gateway control protocol
(SGCP) retry messages after a failure.
Default: 3
Note Do not change this value.
Table A-1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch 9.x XECfgParm.dat File Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter Definition