Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software Release 9.8 and Higher
Installing the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software Release 9.8 and Higher Releases
Step 6 Enter y to install the CSCOgu000 utilities package on this host.
Step 7 The system begins to display various configuration settings for the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch
software. We recommend that you accept the default values (by pressing Enter). You can, however,
specify a different user ID and a group ID. If the ID you specify already exists on the system, the existing
ID is reused, or you are prompted to enter another ID. The configuration settings are as follows:
Base directory for CiscoMGC (default /opt/CiscoMGC) [?,q]
Enter CiscoMGC user name [mgcusr]
Enter CiscoMGC UID [20000]
Enter CiscoMGC group name [mgcgrp]
Enter CiscoMGC GID [20000]
WARNING: setting mode of </etc/init.d/inetinit> to default mode (644)
[mgcgrp] group added
[mgcusr] user added
Modifying /etc/init.d/inetinit
Caution No validation is performed on the IDs you enter. If you enter an invalid ID, the utilities
package does not add any accounts.
The system returns the following message, stating that the CSCOgu000 utilities package was
successfully installed:
Installation of <CSCOgu000> was successful.
Step 8 If the system indicates that you need to reboot after installing the utilities package, proceed to Step 8a.
Otherwise, proceed to Step 9.
Note Rebooting may take approximately 5 minutes.
a. Enter the command displayed on the screen and press Enter.
# shutdown -y -g0 -i6
Note If the command shown on the screen does not work, you can enter the /usr/sbin/reboot
command to reboot the system.
Note If you have installed the Solaris DiskSuite package (CSCOh023) on your system, the messages
below are displayed during system boot. They are normal Solaris DiskSuite startup messages
and do not indicate any problem with your system.
WARNING force load of misc /md-trans failed
WARNING force load of misc /md-raid failed
WARNING force load of misc /md-hotspares failed
WARNING force load of misc /md-sp failed
b. After the reboot finishes, restart install.sh to install the remaining packages. To restart install.sh,
enter the following commands
at the # prompt and press Enter:
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0
# ./install.sh
The following prompt is displayed: