Cisco EnergyWise Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 EnergyWise CLI Commands
show energywise
show energywise
To display the EnergyWise settings, the status of the domain member, and the status of the switch port
with a connected end point, use the show energywise privileged EXEC command.
show energywise neighbors [categories | children [provisioned] | domain | events | level
[children | current [children] | delta [children] ] | neighbors | recurrences | statistics | usage
[children] | version] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]
Note In the examples, the interface-id is in this format: type slot-or-module-number/port-number; for
example, gigabitethernet 0/5. To specify an interface, see your device software documentation.
Syntax Description categories (Optional) Displays the power levels.
children [provisioned] (Optional) Displays the status of the connected end point.
• provisioned—Displays a summary of the EnergyWise information for
the switch and the connected end points.
domain (Optional) Displays the entity name, domain name, protocol, IP address, and
UDP port for the domain.
events (Optional) Displays the last ten events (messages) sent to other members in
the domain.
level [children |
current [children] |
delta [children]
(Optional) Displays the actual power levels.
• children—Actual power levels for the domain member and connected
end points.
• current—Actual power levels for the domain member.
(Optional) children—Actual power levels for the domain member and
connected end points.
• delta—Delta vector for the domain member.
(Optional) children—Delta vector for the domain member and
connected end points.
neighbors (Optional) Displays the neighbor table for the switch.
recurrences (Optional) Displays the EnergyWise settings and status for the recurring
statistics (Optional) Displays the counters for events and errors.
usage [children] (Optional) Displays the actual power for the domain member.
• children—Displays the actual power for the domain member and
connected end points.
version (Optional) Displays the EnergyWise version.
| begin (Optional) Displays begins with the line that matches the expression.
| exclude (Optional) Displays excludes lines that match the expression.
| include (Optional) Displays includes lines that match the specified expression.
expression Expression in the output to use as a reference point.