Cisco EnergyWise Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 EnergyWise CLI Commands
energywise (interface configuration)
Command Default EnergyWise is disabled.
The switch to waits until a Cisco IP phone connected to a PoE port is not sending or receiving traffic
before powering off the port.
The switch responds to a query to change the power level and the EnergyWise attributes.
The importance is 1.
Keywords are not defined.
The power level is 10.
The recurring event is not configured.
The name is the short version of the port name; for example, Gi1.0.2 for Gigabit Ethernet 1/0/2.
The role is the model number.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
role role (Optional) Specifies the role of the port in the domain. For example,
• You can enter alphanumeric characters and symbols such as #, (, %, !,
and &.
• Do not enter an asterisk (*) or a blank space between the characters or
domain domain-name
{ntp-shared-secret |
shared-secret} [0 | 7]
shared-secret [protocol
udp port
[interface interface-id |
ip ip-address]]
Configures the EnergyWise domain. See the energywise domain interface
configuration command.
Release Modification
12.2(50)SE This command was introduced on the Catalyst 3750-E, 3750, 3560-E, 3560, and 2960
12.2(52)SE The activitycheck, allow query {save | set}, and recurrence time-range
time-range-name keywords were added on the Catalyst 3750-E, 3750, 3560-E, 3560,
and 2960 switches.
12.2(52)SG This command was introduced on Catalyst 4500 switches.
12.2(54)SG The activitycheck, allow query {save | set}, and recurrence time-range
time-range-name keywords were added on Catalyst 4500 switches.
12.2(33)SXI4 This command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 switches. See the Cisco IOS
Release Notes for Cisco EnergyWise, EnergyWise Phase 2 for the specific devices.
15.0(1)M2 This command was introduced on Cisco Integrated Service Routers Generation 2
G2), including Cisco 3900, 2900, and 1900 ISRs.