
Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Log Codes
5016 Invalid PIO Number Invalid device I/O port specified to read from a
5017 Invalid PIO PORT Number Invalid PIO port specified to read from a device.
5018 Line interface is not ready Not used.
5019 Too many XFEAC requests Too many far-end loopback requests have been
5020 The FE Lpbk line number is
Invalid far-end loopback line number encountered
while processing the loopback requests.
5021 E3 is not supported Card type E3 is not supported.
5022 Line is in alarm Not used.
5023 Unknown current state Current state of the SRM card is unknown.
5024 Configured from BRAM Loading SRM configuration from the BRAM.
5025 Configured with default
SRM card configuration in the BRAM is invalid.
Using default SRM configuration.
5026 Line configuration is
Invalid line configuration. Switching to the standby
5027 Unable to initialize HW Hardware initialization failed. Fail LED is turned on.
5028 Enter into a dead end state SRM task has entered a dead end state.
5029 Unknown core card state
message from SMM
Core card state message received from the SMM task
through the message queue is invalid.
5030 Access BRAM failed Access to BRAM failed. Additional information
regarding the address, size, and offset of the
read/write operation is displayed.
5031 Fail to access the remote
Access to a remote BRAM failed.
5032 Clear configuration SRM card configuration in the BRAM is cleared.
BRAM configuration is no longer valid.
5033 Unable to break a T1
connection inside I-Cube
Unable to break a T1 connection inside the I-Cube.
5034 Unable to make a T1
Connection inside I-Cube
Unable to make a T1 connection inside the I-Cube.
5035 Invalid SM slot number Invalid service module slot number encountered.
5036 Invalid DS3 configuration
DS3 configuration pointer is invalid, possibly null.
5037 Line in alarm state Line major/minor/clear alarm trap generated and sent
to the manager.
5038 Loss of clock Loss of line interface clock.
5039 Receive a FEAC from a far
Received a FEAC from a far end. The line number
through which it is received is displayed.
Table 8-5 SRM Log Codes (continued)
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description