Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Log Codes
Sample log messages:
Searching ..done
04/09/1998-13:57:46 7 clt 6050 Channel in alarm : LCN #21
04/09/1998-15:33:26 7 SuperUser 0 addln 4
04/09/1998-14:29:22 8 talarm 4057 Line Rx LOF alarm on : line: 8
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Log Codes
The log codes used in the log messages are broadly classified as shown in Table 8-2.
ASC Log Codes
Table 8-2 Log Code Ranges for Various Cards
Log Code Range Module Logging Messages
1000–1999 ASC
2000–2999 BNM
3000–3999 Not Used
4000–4999 FRSM
5000–5999 SRM
6000–6999 AUSM
7000–7999 AUSM8/IMATM
8000–8999 CESM
Table 8-3 ASC Log Codes
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description
1100 Out of Heap Space SCM task is running out of heap space, malloc failed.
1101 Sar Operation Failed Failed to enable, disable, or send data on an LCN.
Additional information describing the specific instance
of failure and the LCN number are displayed.
1102 Switch Over Failed Not used.
1103 Queue Error Encountered Data queue overflow error while queuing
data. The particular card index is also displayed.
1104 Unknown number Error occurred while sending a Frame. Unrecognizable
Frame type.
1105 Seq_num not match Not used.
1107 Out of xmt buffer Error occurred due to shortage of transmit buffers in the
SCM. Information describing the specific instance is
also displayed.