Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Log Codes
1231 BERT informational Error occurred in a BERT-related module. Additional
information describing the specific instance of error is
1232 Unable to spawn
Error occurred while spawning the SRM detected task.
1233 Error in srm common task
Invalid message received from the SRM task. Additional
information describing the specific instance of the error
is displayed.
1234 SRM peer mismatch
Type mismatch between the active and the redundant
service module card types.
1235 SRM config. mismatch
Type mismatch between the active and the redundant
card configurations.
1236 SRM card failed SRM card failure detected. Additional information
about the card is also displayed.
1237 switchcc reason Standby ASC card has been allowed mastership, because
the active ASC does not have an SRM card. Additional
information describing the specific instance is
1280 Q not present Error occurred while accessing the ATM message queue.
Failed to get the number of messages in the queue.
1281 atmRx task spawn fail Failed to spawn the ATM receiver task.
1282 error in recv msg Q Error occurred while receiving message from the ATM
message queue.
1283 PDU received bigger than
The length of the PDU received through the ATM
receive queue exceeds the maximum value.
1301 snmp pdu auth parse err Authentication in SNMP PDU failed while parsing.
1302 snmp varbind parse err Failed trying to parse varbinds in SNMP PDU.
1303 mgmt buffer shortage Not used.
1304 SR agent gen err SNMP PDU to be forwarded to the agent failed
1305 destination of PDU
Not used.
1306 err making varbind for
trap PDU
Not used.
1307 unable to open
SNMP-161 port
Error occurred while opening the SNMP UDP port 161.
1308 unable to bind SNMP-161
Error occurred while binding the SNMP UDP port 161.
1309 message recv call
generated error
General NMIM error occurred like malloc failure,
message queue send/receive failure, and so on.
Additional information describing the specific instance
is displayed.
Table 8-3 ASC Log Codes (continued)
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description