Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Log Codes
1310 sendto - call err, or did not
xmt all data
Failed to transmit the IP data packet. System call error
or failed to transmit all the data.
1311 executing STANDBY
card code, wrong thread
Executing wrong thread. STANDBY card code has been
1312 local IP address not
No interface has been configured with a local IP address.
1313 receive size error Failed to receive the SNMP PDU. System call error.
1314 tx data size error Invalid packet data length. Packet cannot be sent.
1315 error number = General NMIM error occurred, for example, queue send
failure, bad source address, and authentication failure.
1316 general error Not used.
1400 msg send error Failed to send a message to another task through a
message queue.
1401 LCN out of range Not used.
1402 xmt buffer not available Failed to send an OAM cell. Transmit buffers not
1403 xmt failure Error occurred while transmitting the OAM cell. SAR
transmit queue is full.
1404 cell type error Invalid OAM cell type.
1405 msg rcv error Error occurred while receiving a message from another
task through a message queue.
1406 rcv failure Error occurred while receiving an OAM cell from the
SAR module.
1407 VC table full The OAM VC table if full. Cannot accept one more
1408 VC entry not found Not used.
1409 VC state error OAM VC table is not in the expected state to execute the
particular command from another task.
1410 unknown command Unknown OAM command received from another task.
1411 AUM LCN list ptr is 0 OAM cell missing the list of LCNs.
1412 AUM req send AIS again BNM (AUM) has sent the command to send the AIS
cells for the same VC, again.
1500 Receive Queue Error LMI task failed to receive a message sent by another task
through a message queue.
1501 Transmit Queue Error LMI task failed to transmit a message to another task
through a message queue.
1502 Bad Source ID Message received from an unknown source through a
message queue. Bad source ID.
1503 Bad Destination ID Message not meant for LMI task has been received
through a message queue. Bad destination ID.
Table 8-3 ASC Log Codes (continued)
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description