Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 33 Configuring NDE
Configuring NDE
Configuring the NDE Destination
To configure the destination IP address and UDP port to receive the NDE statistics, perform this task:
This example shows how to configure the NDE flow destination IP address and UDP port:
Router(config)# ip flow-export destination 200
Note The destination address and UDP port number are saved in NVRAM and are preserved if NDE is
disabled and reenabled or if the switch is power cycled. If you are using the NetFlow FlowCollector
application for data collection, verify that the UDP port number you configure is the same port number
shown in the FlowCollector’s nfconfig.file. This file is located at /opt/csconfc/config/nfconfig.file in the
FlowCollector application.
Displaying the NDE Address and Port Configuration
To display the NDE address and port configuration, perform these tasks:
This example shows how to display the NDE export flow source IP address and UDP port configuration:
Router# show mls nde
Netflow Data Export enabled
Netflow Data Export configured for port 0 on Host
Source address:, port: 8
Version: 0
Include Filter is:
destination: ip address, mask, port 35
source: ip address, mask, port 0
Exclude Filter is:
destination: ip address, mask, port 23
source: ip address, mask, port 0
Total Netflow Data Export Packets are:
0 packets, 0 no packets, 0 records
This example shows how to display the NDE export flow IP address, UDP port, and the NDE source
interface configuration:
Router# show ip flow export
Flow export is enabled
Exporting flows to (200)
Exporting using source interface FastEthernet5/8
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip flow-export destination ip_address
Configures the NDE destination IP address and UDP port.
Router(config)# no ip flow-export destination
Clears the NDE destination configuration.
Command Purpose
Router# show mls nde
Displays the NDE export flow IP address and UDP port
Router# show ip flow export
Displays the NDE export flow IP address, UDP port, and the
NDE source interface configuration.