Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 25 Configuring IEEE 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Manually Reauthenticating the Client Connected to a Port
Note Reauthentication does not disturb the status of an already authorized port.
To manually reauthenticate the client connected to a port, perform this task:
This example shows how to manually reauthenticate the client connected to Fast Ethernet port 5/1:
Router# dot1x re-authenticate interface fastethernet 5/1
Starting reauthentication on FastEthernet 5/1
Initializing Authentication for the Client Connected to a Port
Note Initializing authentication disables any existing authentication before authenticating the client connected
to the port.
To initialize the authentication for the client connected to a port, perform this task:
This example shows how to initialize the authentication for the client connected to Fast Ethernet
port 5/1:
Router# dot1x initialize interface fastethernet 5/1
Starting reauthentication on FastEthernet 5/1
Changing the Quiet Period
When the switch cannot authenticate the client, the switch remains idle for a set period of time, and then
tries again. The idle time is determined by the quiet-period value. A failed authentication of the client
might occur because the client provided an invalid password. You can provide a faster response time to
the user by entering a smaller number than the default.
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router# dot1x re-authenticate
interface type
1. type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet
Manually reauthenticates the client connected to a port.
Step 2
Router# show dot1x all
Verifies your entries.
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router# dot1x initialize
interface type
1. type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet
Initializes the authentication for the client connected to a
Step 2
Router# show dot1x all
Verifies your entries.