Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 31 Configuring PFC QoS
Configuring PFC QoS
• Threshold 0 is a nonconfigurable 100-percent tail-drop threshold on these port types:
1p1q0t (receive)
1p1q8t (receive)
1p3q1t (transmit)
1p2q1t (transmit)
• The standard queue thresholds can be configured as either tail-drop or WRED-drop thresholds on
these port types:
1p1q8t (receive)
1p3q1t (transmit)
See the “Configuring Standard-Queue Drop Threshold Percentages” section on page 31-54 for more
information about configuring thresholds as either tail-drop or WRED-drop.
Mapping CoS Values to Standard Receive-Queue Thresholds
To map CoS values to the standard receive-queue thresholds, perform this task:
This example shows how to map the CoS values 0 and 1 to threshold 1 in the standard receive queue for
Gigabit Ethernet port 1/1:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/1
Router(config-if)# rcv-queue cos-map 1 1 0 1
Router(config-if)# end
This example shows how to verify the configuration:
Router# show queueing interface gigabitethernet 1/1
<...Output Truncated...>
queue thresh cos-map
1 1 0 1
1 2 2 3
1 3 4 5
1 4 6 7
<...Output Truncated...>
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router(config)# interface {fastethernet |
gigabitethernet} slot/port
Selects the interface to configure.
Step 2
Router(config-if)# rcv-queue cos-map queue_#
threshold_# cos1 [cos2 [cos3 [cos4 [cos5 [cos6
[cos7 [cos8]]]]]]]
Maps CoS values to the standard receive queue
Router(config-if)# no rcv-queue cos-map
Reverts to the default mapping.
Step 3
Router(config-if)# end
Exits configuration mode.
Step 4
Router# show queueing interface {fastethernet |
gigabitethernet} slot/port
Verifies the configuration.