Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 33 Configuring NDE
Configuring NDE
A typical cache entry that is removed is the entry for flows to and from a Domain Name Server (DNS)
or TFTP server. This entry might not be used again after it is created. The PFC saves space in the MLS
cache for other data when it detects and ages out these entries.
If you need to enable MLS fast aging time, initially set the value to 128 seconds. If the size of the MLS
cache continues to grow over 32K entries, decrease the setting until the cache size stays below 32K. If
the cache continues to grow over 32K entries, decrease the normal MLS aging time.
To configure the MLS aging time, perform this task:
This example displays how to configure the MLS aging time:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# mls aging fast threshold 64 time 30
To display the MLS aging-time configuration, perform this task:
This example shows how to display the MLS aging-time configuration:
Router# show mls aging
enable timeout packet threshold
------ ------- ----------------
normal aging false 300 N/A
fast aging false 32 100
long aging false 900 N/A
Configuring Sampled NetFlow
These sections describe how to configure sampled NetFlow on the PFC:
• Configuring Sampled NetFlow Globally, page 33-12
• Configuring Sampled NetFlow on a Layer 3 Interface, page 33-12
Note • Release 12.1(13)E and later releases support sampled NetFlow on the PFC.
• NDE on the MSFC does not support sampled NetFlow.
• With the full-interface or destination-source-interface flow masks, you can enable or disable
sampled NetFlow on individual Layer 3 interfaces. With all other flow masks, sampled NetFlow is
enabled or disabled globally.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# mls aging {fast [threshold {1-128} |
time {1-128}] | long 64-900 | normal 32-4092}
Configures the MLS aging time for an MLS cache entry.
Router(config)# no mls aging {fast | long | normal}
Reverts to the default MLS aging time.
Command Purpose
Router# show mls aging
Displays the MLS aging-time configuration.