Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
About this Guide
Obtaining Optical Networking Information
Obtaining Optical Networking Information
This section contains information that is specific to optical networking products. For information that
pertains to all of Cisco, refer to the Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security
Guidelines section.
Where to Find Safety and Warning Information
For safety and warning information, refer to the Cisco Optical Transport Products Safety and
Compliance Information document that accompanied the product. This publication describes the
international agency compliance and safety information for the Cisco ONS 15454 system. It also
includes translations of the safety warnings that appear in the ONS 15454 system documentation.
Cisco Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM
Optical networking-related documentation, including Cisco ONS 15xxx product documentation, is
available in a CD-ROM package that ships with your product. The Optical Networking Product
Documentation CD-ROM is updated periodically and may be more current than printed documentation.