Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-4011 Provisioning error:
Refer to the error message text.
EID-5000 Cannot find a valid route for tunnel change request. Refer to the error message text.
EID-5001 Tunnel could not be changed. Refer to the error message text.
EID-5002 Tunnel could not be restored and must be recreated manually. Refer to the error message text.
EID-5003 Circuit roll failure.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-5004 There is already one 4F {0} provisioned on the set of nodes
involved in {1}. The maximum number of 4F {0} rings has
been reached for that node.
There is already one 4F BLSR provisioned
on the set of nodes involved in the ring. The
maximum number of 4F BLSR rings has
been reached for that node.
WID-5005 A non-zero hold-off time can violate switching time standards,
and should only be used for a circuit with multiple path
Refer to the warning message text.
WID-5006 Warning: Different secondary {0} node should only be used for
DRI or Open-ended path protected circuits.
You should use different secondary end
point only for DRI or open-ended path
protected circuits.
WID-5007 If you change the scope of this view, the contents of this profile
editor will be lost.
Refer to the warning message text.
WID-5008 Please make sure all the protection groups are in proper state
after the cancellation.
Refer to the warning message text.
WID-5009 Circuit {0} not upgradable. No {1} capable {2}s are available
at node {3}.
No VT capable STSs are available at the
EID-5010 Domain name already exists. Refer to the error message text.
EID-5011 Domain name may not exceed {0} characters. You may have reached the maximum
number of charcters.
WID-5012 Software load on {0} does not support the addition of a node to
a 1+1protection group.
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-5013 {0} doesn’t support Bridge and Roll Feature. Please select a
different port.
The specified port does not support Bridge
and Roll.
EID-5014 An automatic network layout is already in progress, please wait
for it to complete for running it again.
You must for the automatic network layout
to complete before running it again.
WID-5015 {0} cannot be applied to {1}. You cannot apply the admin state operation,
specified by {0}, to port count, specified by
EID-5016 An error was encountered while attempting to provision the
{0}. {1}
CTC encountered an error while
provisioning the card.
EID-5017 Unable to rollback provisioning, the {0} may be left in an
INCOMPLETE state and should be manually removed.
You may have to remove the BLSR
manually as it was left incomplete.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description