Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-2328 Circuit reconfigure error.
The attempt to reconfigure the specified
circuit has failed.
EID-2329 {0} of {1} circuits could not be successfully created. A few circuits could not be created.
EID-2330 Circuit verification: selected {0} invalid!
The selected item, specified by {0}, is
invalid as per the details, specified in {1}.
EID-2331 Deleting {0} may be service affecting. Deleting the item can affect the service of
WID-2331 Deleting circuits may be service affecting. Really delete the {n}
selected circuits?
Confirm whether you want to delete the
selected circuit. Deleting the circuit could
affect the service.
EID-2332 Hold-off timer validation error in row [0].
{1} hold-off timer for {2} must be between {3}-10,000 ms, in
steps of 100 ms.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3001 An Ethernet RMON threshold with the same parameters
already exists. Please change one or more of the parameters and
try again.
Change a few parameters in an Ethernet
remote monitoring (RMON) threshold and
try again.
EID-3002 Error retrieving defaults from the node: {0} There was an error while retrieving the
defaults from the specified node.
EID-3003 Cannot load file {0}. CTC cannot load the specified file.
EID-3004 Cannot load properties from the node Refer to the error message text.
EID-3005 Cannot save NE Update values to file {0} CTC cannot save the network element (NE)
update values to the specified file.
EID-3006 Cannot load NE Update properties from the node Refer to the error message text.
EID-3007 Provisioning Error for {0} There was a provisioning error for the
specified item.
EID-3008 Not a valid Card You cannot perform DWDM automatic
node setup (ANS) from the Card view.
Please navigate to the Node view and try
EID-3009 No {0} selected Select the specified item, for example,
VLAN, port, slot, etc.
EID-3010 Unable to create bidirectional optical link Refer to the error message text.
EID-3016 Invalid subnet address. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3017 Subnet address already exists. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3018 Standby TSC not ready. The standby Timing and Shelf Control card
(TSC) not ready.
EID-3019 Incomplete internal subnet address. Enter the complete internal subnet address.
EID-3020 TSC One and TSC Two subnet addresses cannot be the same. A node’s internal subnet must be different
from one another as each TSC is on separate
ethernet buses, isolated by broadcast
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description