Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-2195 The circuit VLAN list cannot be mapped to one spanning tree.
You can view the VLAN/Spanning Tree table or reassign
Refer to the error message text.
EID-2196 Unable to relaunch the CTC. {0} There is an error relaunching CTC.
EID-2197 CORBA failure. Unable to proceed. There was a CORBA failure, and the task
cannot proceed. Verify the Java version.
EID-2198 Unable to switch to the {0} view. CTC is unable to switch to the specified
EID-2199 Login failed on {0} {1} The login failed on the specified tasks.
EID-2200 CTC has detected a jar file deletion. The jar file was used to
manage one or more nodes. This CTC session will not be able
to manage those nodes and they will appear gray on the network
map. It is recommended that you exit this CTC session and start
a new one.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-2202 Intra-node circuit must have two sources to be Dual Ring
Intranode circuit must have two sources to
be a dual ring interconnect (DRI).
EID-2203 No member selected. You must select a member.
EID-2204 Number of circuits must be a positive integer The number of circuits cannot be zero or
EID-2205 Circuit Type must be selected. You must select a circuit type.
EID-2206 Unable to autoselect profile! Please select profile(s) to store
and try again.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-2207 You cannot add this span. Either the ring name is too big (i.e.,
ring name length is greater than {0}) or the endpoints do not
support alphanumeric IDs.
Reduce the length of the ring name, or
remove the alphanumberic characters from
the end points.
EID-2208 This is an invalid or unsupported JRE. The version of Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) is either invalid or unsupported.
EID-2209 The user name must be at least {0} characters long. The user name must be at least of the
specified character length.
EID-2210 No package name selected. You must select a package name.
EID-2211 No node selected for upgrade. You must select a node for the upgrade.
EID-2212 Protected Line is not provisionable. The protected line cannot be provisioned.
Choose another line.
WID-2213 The current type or state of some drops does not allow the new
circuit state of {0} to be applied to them indirectly.
The circuit state, specified by {0} cannot be
applied to the selected drops.
EID-2214 The node is disconnected. Please wait till the node reconnects. Refer to the error message text.
EID-2215 Error while leaving {0} page. There was an error while leaving the
specified page.
EID-2216 Error while entering {0} page. There was an error while entering the
specified page.
EID-2217 Some conditions could not be retrieved from the network view Refer to the error message text.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description