Cisco 7200 VXR Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Observing System Startup and Performing a Basic Configuration
Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Router
You have the option of proceeding with the setup facility to configure the interfaces, or exiting from
setup and using configuration commands to configure global (system-wide) and interface-specific
parameters. You do not have to configure the interfaces immediately; however, you cannot enable the
interfaces or connect them to any networks until you have configured them.
Many of the port adapter LEDs do not go on until you have configured the interfaces. To verify correct
operation of each interface, complete the first-time startup procedures and configuration, and then refer
to the configuration note for each port adapter for LED descriptions and to check the status of the
If the system does not complete each of the steps in the startup procedure, proceed to Chapter 5,
“Troubleshooting the Installation” for troubleshooting recommendations and procedures.
Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Router
Before configuring the router, determine whether or not you want to use a management tool such as
Cisco Security Device Manager.
Cisco Security Device Manager (SDM), version 1.1, is an optional Java-based device-management tool
that allows you to configure LAN interfaces, routing, Network Address Translation (NAT), firewalls,
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and other features without knowledge of the Cisco command-line
interface (CLI). You can configure features such as Access Control Lists (ACLs), routing protocols, and
other options using SDMs advanced mode.
Note You will need to use CLI commands to configure several features that SDM does not support. SDM does
not support the following features: WAN configuration, Gigabit Ethernet (GE) interfaces, AA client, EZ
VPN server, QoS, SSHv2, DHCP server configuration options, and usability enhancements.
SDM is preinstalled on your router’s Flash Disk or CompactFlash Disk when it is ordered as part of a
VPN bundle or as part of a 7xxx VPN bundle. If your router did not ship with SDM preinstalled, you can
download a free copy from the Software Center at Cisco.com at
http://www.cisco.com/kobayashi/sw-center/index.shtm. Because SDM uses a GUI, it requires that you
access it from a PC using a supported web browser. Go to the
Security Device Manager (SDM), Version
1.1 User Note for the 7xxx Routers for more information.
You can configure your Cisco 7200 VXR router using one of the procedures described in the following
• Performing a Basic Configuration Using AutoInstall, page 4-4
• Performing a Basic Configuration Using the Setup Facility, page 4-4
• Configuring Port Adapter Interfaces, page 4-10
• Performing a Basic Configuration Using Global Configuration Mode, page 4-14
Follow the procedure that best fits the needs of your network configuration.
Note You need to acquire the correct network addresses from your system administrator or consult your
network plan to determine correct addresses before you can complete the router configuration.
Before continuing the configuration process, check the current state of the router by entering the show
version command. The show version command displays the release of Cisco IOS software that is
available on the router.