Managing AVMs and VNEs
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 83
• Shutting Down: When a Stop (command) option is issued, and while the
command is being executed (some processes may still be running), the
status of the AVM is Shutting Down.
6.2.1 Admin and Oper Mode AVM Status
The table below describes the status of an AVM depending on the Admin and
Oper modes, as displayed in the Status column of the AVMs table. The
Admin mode is the administrative instructions that are sent to the VNE. The
Oper mode is the actual status of the VNE, for example, Up.
Status Admin Mode Oper Mode
Up Up
Shutting Down
Down Up
Down Down
Starting Up Up Down
6.3 Viewing and Editing an AVM’s Properties
Sheer DNA Manage enables the user to view and edit the properties of an
AVM, for example, the key and the allocated memory.
To view and edit an AVM’s properties
1. Select the DNA Servers branch in the Sheer DNA Manage window’s
Tree pane. The DNA Servers branch is displayed.
2. Expand the DNA Servers branch and select the required AVM sub-branch
in the Tree pane.
3. Right-click to display the shortcut menu and select Properties, or from
File menu, select Properties or in the toolbar click Properties.