Cisco Active Network Abstraction Administrator’s Guide, 3.5
Page 8 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Sheer DNA Client applications and BQL connectivity is based on installed
license files. Sheer DNA Manage enables the administrator to control and
monitor the number of Sheer DNA Client and BQL connections over a
limited or unlimited period of time based on the client licenses installed. Two
types of licenses are supported, namely, fixed (the number of installed users
are identified by user names or IP addresses or both) or floating (the number
of installed users operating concurrently).
Managed Element
After Sheer DNA Manage installs and runs the process, samples the device
and collects the data a VNE (Managed Element) is created. The VNE
includes logical inventory (tables, for example, forwarding tables) and
physical inventory (for example, modules and ports), and this Managed
Element can be accessed using Sheer NetworkVision.
Network Element Components
Component(s) of a Network Element (NE), such as port(s), blade(s),
context(s) and so on.
The user’s ability to perform certain tasks. There are two types of
permissions, namely, default and NE related.
• Default: The default permission only applies to the activities that are
related to GUI functionality, not the activities related to Network
Elements. For example, a user with the default permission Viewer can
view maps and the Device List. For more information, refer to page 136.
• Network Element: The NE related permission enables the administrator
to group a collection of managed Network Elements together (in Sheer
DNA Manage) in order to enable the user to view and/or manage the NEs
based on the user’s role or permission. After the user is allocated a scope
(list of Network Elements) and a role, the user can then perform various
activities on the Network Elements, for example, manage alarms in Sheer
NetworkVision. For more information, refer to page 135.
Polling Group
A polling group is defined as a group of polling rates that can be specified for
a device. For more information, refer to page 114.