General DNA Manage Tables
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 67
4.5 Sorting a Table
The tables displayed in Sheer DNA Manage can be sorted by defining
specific criterion on a one-time only basis or continuously.
To sort a table
1. In the toolbar, click . The Sort dialog box is displayed.
The following dropdown lists are displayed in the Sort By area:
• Sort By: A dropdown list of all of the columns displayed in the
currently displayed table. The table is sorted firstly according to the
selection made here. Select ascending or descending order.
• Then By: Dropdown lists of all of the columns displayed in the table.
The table is sorted secondly and then lastly according to the
selections made here. Select ascending or descending order.
The following radio buttons are displayed in the Sort Operation area:
• Once Only: Sorts the information displayed in the table according to
the specified criterion once only. When this option is selected a
triangle is displayed in the table heading for the selected column.
• Continuously/Repeatedly: Sorts the information displayed in the
table according to the specified criterion continuously. When this
option is selected the icon is displayed next to the selected column
2. Select an option from the Sort By dropdown list and Ascending or
Descending order.
3. Select an option from the Then By dropdown lists and Ascending or
Descending order (optional).