Description The command reads current dead time, real time the integral, begin and end of the UF6 ROIs
Parameter -
Result array Real time long value
Byte Offset 4 Dead time [msec] long value
Byte Offset 8 Integral ROI 1 long value
Byte Offset 12 Integral ROI 2 long value
Byte Offset 16 Integral ROI 3 long value
Byte Offset 20 Begin ROI 1 long value
... ... long value
Byte Offset 40 End ROI 3 long value
Return Code see MMCA_RESET command
Description The command reads the begin and end of the 3 ROIs
Parameter -
Result array Begin ROI 1 long value
Byte Offset 4 End ROI 1 long value
Byte Offset 8 Begin ROI 2 long value
Byte Offset 12 End ROI 2 long value
Byte Offset 16 Begin ROI 3 long value
Byte Offset 20 End ROI 3 long value
Return Code see MMCA_RESET command
Description The command reads peak centroid of the specified ROI
1. Parameter Peak ROI begin integer value LLD<= begin < end
2. Parameter Peak ROI end integer value begin < end <= ULD, (end-begin) < 250
Result Peak centroid float value
Return Code see MMCA_RESET command
Description The command checks the communication between the MCA and the PC.
Parameter -
Results -
Return Code see MMCA_RESET command