WinSPEC (inspection information if CsRation is attached)
$WINSPEC_INFO: WinSPEC inspection information
ANALYSIS:CSRATIO Extern analysis application attached with WinSPEC
1999/001 Inspection number
1969/12/31 Inspection date
Inspector1/Inspector2 Inspector names
DIV1/DIV2 Division or section of the inspectors
FACC Facility code
ItemID Item ID
1997/01/01 Date of discharge
0.000 Mwd/tU Burnup
Neutron rate
0.00E00 Calculated Cs ratio at discharge
0.000 %
Initial enrichment
ICOD Instrument code
0156 MMCA ID
8289/025 Computer ID
NAJ Detector type
9475/020 Detector ID
Collimator Collimator
Filter Filter
WinSPEC (inspection information if MGA is attached)
$WINSPEC_INFO: WinSPEC inspection information
ANALYSIS:MGA Extern analysis application attached with WinSPEC
1999/001 Inspection number
1999/01/01 Inspection date
Inspector1/Inspector2 Inspector names
DIV1/DIV2 Division or section of the inspectors
Facility name Facility name
FACC Facility code
ItemID Item ID
Batch ID Batch ID
1997/01/01 Date of declaration
10.000 wt% ± 1.000 % Decl. isotopic abundance and relative uncertainty for 238
20.000 wt% ± 2.000 % ... for 239 Pu
20.000 wt% ± 2.000 % ... for 240 Pu
25.000 wt% ± 2.500 % ... for 241 Pu
10.000 wt% ± 1.000 % ... for 242 Pu
5.000 wt% ± 0.500 % ... for 241 Am
1.000 ± 0.100 % U / Pu ratio
ICOD Instrument code
0156 MMCA ID
8289/025 Computer ID
NAJ Detector type
9475/020 Detector ID
Collimator Collimator
Filter Filter