6.1.3 Power supply
● Power supply adequate for commonly used NaI, HPGe, CdTe and proportional
● Current limited mode with indication of overload condition through software; short
circuit protected and automated recovery after overload or shortening
6.1.4 Preamplifier Voltages
● ± 12V; maximum current 60mA for each of the voltages
● ± 24V; maximum current 60mA for each of the voltages
● Maximum total power at least 2W
6.1.5 High Voltage
● Single positive or negative modular HV supply reaching from 50V to 3000V
● Indication of high voltage sign and value by software
● Calibration within 1% at maximum of bias voltage
● Maximum current 0.5mA or 0.25W (e.g. 1000V and 0.25mA)
6.1.6 Battery
● Rechargeable Li-ion battery with no memory effect
● Deep discharge protected
● Battery capacity 32Wh at 20°C
● Charger input: 9V ... 14V / 0.8A
● Measured values of the battery life time
● If no detector connected: 30 hours
● Expected battery life time with detection systems connected:
Standard IAEA NaI detector (ORTEC/SCIONIX): 27 hours
Bias: 500V, 100µA
Preamplifier: 100mW
Miniature CdTe detection probe (SDP310, RITEC, Latvia): 25 hours
Bias: 400V, 100nA
Preamplifier: +12V/20mA, -12V/9.5mA (@8.4V)
Standard planar HPGe detector (e.g. Canberra, Ortec): 14 hours
Bias: 2000V, 1nA
Preamplifier: ±12V: 35/-25mA; ±24V: 55/-27mA (@8.4V)