88 Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference
Chapter 3
OUTPut:SYNC OFF|ON disables or enables output from the SYNC terminal.
Parameters OFF disables the "Sync" output at the front panel BNC connector (see
comment below about output level when disabled).
ON enables the "Sync" output. The default is “ON”.
The SYNC output mode is stored in volatile memory.
Comments • The output level on the SYNC terminal is indeterminate (it might be a TTL
“high” or a
TTL “low”) when the sync signal is disabled.
• *RST Condition: "ON"
OUTPut:SYNC? queries the state of the SYNC terminal. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1”
OUTPut:TRIGger:IMMediate outputs a TTL positive-going pulse from the
front-panel Ext Trig terminal IMMEDIATELY regardless of the present setting of
OUTP:TRIG:STAT command. IF OUTP:TTLT<n>:STATE is ON, that VXIbus
TTLTRG line will output a negative-going pulse.
Comments • You use this command to issue an immediate external trigger for synchronizing
phase-lock signals using the Ext Trig terminal or VXIbus TTLTRG lines.
OUTPut:TRIGger:STATe OFF|ON This command performs no operation. It is
included for compatibility with the Agilent 33120A Function Generator.
OUTPut:TRIGger:STATe? This command performs no operation. It is included for
compatibility with the Agilent 33120A Function Generator.
OUTPut:TTLTrg<n>[:STATe] ON|OFF enables or disables the function generator
from sourcing a trigger signal on a VXIbus TTLTRG line (value of <n> selects the
line and can range from 0 through 7). The default setting is disabled (OFF). The
setting is stored in volatile memory.