136 Agilent E1441A Specifications
Appendix A
Signal Characteristics Square wave
Rise/Fall Time: < 20 ns
Overshoot: < 2%
Asymmetry: 1% + 5 ns
Duty Cycle: 20% to 80% (to 5 MHz)
40% to 60% (to 15 MHz)
Triangle, Ramp, Arb
Rise/Fall Time: 100 ns (typical)
Linearity: < 0.1% of peak output
Settling Time: < 250 ns to 0.5% of final value
Jitter: < 25 ns
Output Characteristics
Amplitude (into 50Ω):
50 mVpp - 10 Vpp
Accuracy (at 1 kHz): ± 1% of specified output
Flatness (sine wave relative to 1 kHz)
100 kHz: ± 1%(0.1 dB)
100 kHz to 1 Mhz: ± 1.5%(0.15 dB)
1 Mhz to 15 Mhz: ± 2%(0.2 dB)
Offset (into 50Ω):
± 5 Vpk ac + dc
± 2% of setting + 2 mV
Output Impedance: 50 ohms fixed
Resolution: 3 digits, Amplitude and Offset
Output Units: Vpp, Vrms, dBm
Isolation: 42 Vpk maximum to earth
Protection: Short-circuit protected
± 15 Vpk overdrive < 1 minute
(1) Add 1/10th of output amplitude and offset specification per ° C for
operation outside of 18° C to 28° C range.
(2) 100 mVpp - 20 Vpp amplitude into open-circuit load.
(3) Offset ≤ 2 X peak-to-peak amplitude.
(4) For square wave outputs, add 2% of output amplitude additional error.
(5) See “Option 001 Specifications” on page 139.