202 Index
execution errors, 141
Ext Trig Terminal, 54
Ext Trig/FSK/Burst input terminal, 54
logic levels, 54
external rate, FSK, 110
external source, sweep, 44
external triggering, 53, 122
Faceplate indicators and Connectors, 16
Face-plate Inputs, 137
Failed indicator, 16
firmware revision, 56
floating, 157
Floating signal generators, 157
floating-point, arb waveform data, 77
FM (frequency modulation)
carrier frequency range, 31
carrier waveshape, 31
modulating frequency range, 32, 105
modulating waveshape, 32, 106
operation, 30
peak frequency deviation, 105
sync signal, 32
technical description, 159
common command, 70
SCPI command, 70
FORMat subsystem, 84
BORDer, 84
BORDer?, 84
arb waveform limits
, 22, 107
conflict with duty cycle, 22
conflict with function, 22, 107
limits, 106
selection, 21, 106
Frequency and Burst Rate Adjustment, 178
Frequency Characteristics, 135
frequency deviation, FM, 32, 105
Frequency Sweep, 137
frequency sweep, 43
sweep, 43
Frequency Verification, 167
Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK), 40
carrier frequency range, 40
internal rate, 41, 109
maximum external rate, 110
modulating (hop) frequency, 41, 109
operation, 40
source, 42, 109
sync signal, 40
technical description, 160
FSK input terminal, 54
Function Gain and Linearity Adjustment, 179
Function Gain and Linearity Verification, 168
Function Generator Tutorial, 153
Function reference (VXIplug&play). See online help.
function, conflict with amplitude, 20
function, conflict with frequency, 20
function, modulation matrix, 20
gate source, burst modulation, 104
General Calibration/Adjustment Procedure, 177
General Information, 13
general procedure, 177
General Specifications, 138
GET (group execute trigger), 53, 122
ground loops, 157
Group Execute Trigger (GET), 53, 122
hop frequency, FSK, 41, 109
*IDN?, 124, 126
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands, 124
implied commands, 71
Indicators, faceplate, 16
inherent offset, arb waveforms, 112
initial operation, 17
interface triggering, 53, 122
internal burst rate, 39, 103
internal FSK rate, 41, 109
internal operations, arbitrary waveforms, 46
internal triggering, 53, 122
interrupt priority, 15
Jumper, security, 175
linear spacing, sweep, 44, 113
linking commands, 71
logarithmic spacing, sweep, 44, 113
logic levels
Ext Trig/FSK/Burst input terminal, 54