Agilent E1441A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator Module Setup 15
Chapter 1
Interrupt Priority
The Agilent E1441A Function Generator / Arbitrary Waveform Generator
is a VXIbus interrupter. However, there is no interrupt priority level setting
to be made on the module. Interrupt priority level, setup and activation are
configured on the resource manager. For example, you configure the
interrupt priority on the Agilent E1405B and E1406A Command Modules
using the DIAGnostic:INTerrupt command subsystem. Refer to your
resource manager's documentation for information on setting your system's
interrupt priority.
Installing into the Mainframe
The Agilent E1441A should always be installed to the right of an existing
VXIbus module with no empty slots between them. The soft black gasket on
the Agilent E1441A’s left panel must contact an adjacent module in order to
provide the module’s specified Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
WARNING To prevent electical shock in the case of equipment or field
wiring failure, tighten the faceplate (module retaining) screws.