Lenco MES-216 Portable DVD Player User Manual

2.2 EQUALIZER SETUP - It is used to compensate for frequency distortion to improve its
frequency response in audio systems (not applicable).
Options: SOUND MODE - It is for selecting the Equalizer Type, in this unit, you can choose
Mono, Rock, Pop, Live, Dance, Techno, Classic or Soft.
BASS BOOST - It is used to turn the Bass Boost ON or OFF.
SUPER BASS - It is used to turn the Super Bass ON or OFF.
TREBLE BOOST - It is used to turn the Treble Boost ON or OFF.
3.1 PASSWORD - It is used to change the password, and the procedure of changing password
is described as followings:
Enter old password in the OLD PASSWORD row
Enter new password in the NEW PASSWORD row
Enter the new password again in the CONFIRM PWD row
Press OK button on the screen to return to the Password Setup Page, then the
Password has been changed.
NOTE: The original password is 136900, you can change it, but you should write it
down and keep it safe. If you forget the password, please use the original password: 136900.
3.2 PARENTAL - This setting allows certain people to view certain discs, which may be
especially useful to forbid children from viewing some unbefitting discs. When you
have entered the Parental Control, the screen will display:
Scroll down the alternatives by moving Up or Down Navigation button, press ENTER button
and enter the password which you has set before, then you have set a Parental Control.
There are eight different settings from “Kid Safe” to “Adult” which you can choose.